Ozone – A Green Disinfection Technology for Food Industry
แหล่งข้อมูล : GeAlex Augusto Gonçlaves
Center of Water Resources Studies; Department of Civil & Resource Engineering;
Dalhousie University; Halifax; NS; B3J 1Z1; Canada
Ozonation has been used for years to disinfect water for drinking purposes in Europe. A number of other commercial uses have been found for ozone including disinfection of bottled water, swimming pools, prevention of fouling of cooling towers, and ...
Ozone sanitizing system finds favour with top industry names in UK
แหล่งข้อมูล : International Sandwich & snack news Issue 138 - March 2012
A revolutionary sanitizing system has won the backing of three of the biggest name in the food industry, paving the way for many chemical sanitizers to be removed from the food preparation process. ..